Our dream

Buy one exceptional American business. Build upon its history.

Jamestown Capital is a partnership with the mission of buying a great business and nurturing it for years to come. We are independent investors looking to invest our own capital and expertise to deliver best in class service to the customers and life changing outcomes to the team.

We are not a private equity shop and are not beholden to investors.

The Team

Two former traders, technologists and bootstrappers.

We have been close friends and colleagues for over a decade. We have worked together in one of the most competitive industries through all weather, both good and bad. Through the Jamestown Capital partnership we look forward to an opportunity to take what we've learnt and apply it to a small business. We believe small businesses are at the heart of any community. By operating one well we can do our part in serving the community and providing opportunities to the team.

Nate Harner

Growing up in Columbus, Ohio, I have always been passionate about technology and entrepreneurship. After building my first computer at age 12, I started a business modifying the original Xbox to turn it into a full-fledged computer. In high school, with the release of the original iPhone, I developed a geography quiz app that sold thousands of copies and helped pay for my first car.

I enrolled in college at Northwestern University, where I double majored in computer science and economics and did research in Natural Language Processing, a precursor to today’s large language models such as ChatGPT.

After graduating, I went to work as a quantitative trader at IMC, a high frequency trading firm. At IMC, I focused on using machine learning and AI to improve trading outcomes, a practice that was at the time foreign to the firm. Throughout my career at IMC, I was given the opportunity to mentor and lead a wide variety of people - from younger, tech-savy software developers, to more experienced floor traders.

I currently live in Boulder, CO, where I can combine my passion for the outdoors with the ability to participate in a thriving entrepreneurial scene.

Henry Carter

I was born into a blue collar family in a tiny town in England. My father was the facilities manager at a local industrial company and we spent many weekends together fixing and upgrading houses for ourselves and other family members. My parents instilled the need to work and I spent my teenage years working part time washing dishes and helping a local bank with their debt collection.

With a burning desire to see the rest of the world (and to no longer wash dishes) I enrolled in college at Oxford University to study physics. Post graduation I moved across the pond to Chicago to work as a quantitative trader at IMC - a global leader in high frequency trading.

IMC was small at the beginning, which gave me the opportunity to wear many hats - everything from leading teams and coaching new hires, to solving quantitative problems and writing code. I thrived in that environment and my career grew with the company. I was later promoted to become desk head and subsequently partner.

I left IMC to do something more entrepreneurial and connect with my local community - Austin, TX.

Investment Criteria

An established business where we can add real value

We care about what we buy, and who we buy it from.

We want to buy an American business with

  • Consistent or growing US $1MM+ revenue
  • Stable profit margins
  • Preferably in TX, CO or CA

From an owner who

  • Has built an excellent team and relationships with customers
  • Is looking to sell their business to responsible operators


No outside investors. Thinking in decades, not years.

We are not a private equity shop. We are just two guys who want to buy and run a business together.

We invest our own capital

We are fortunate to be in a position where we do not rely on outside investors. This allows us to consider companies in lesser known industries and make fast decisions.

We believe the best outcomes for ourselves and the team will come with long term vision and growth. The next chapter of the company we buy will be long and fulfilling, not a 5 year preparation for the next acquirer.

Get our hands dirty

The most exciting part of the journey is immersing ourselves into the day to day operations of the company, identifying and delivering improvements. With our background we have worn a lot of hats - finance, HR, compliance, technology... and we look forward to doing so again.

We are not excited to focus on the usual private equity goals - cost cutting, financial engineering, asset stripping.

Long term vision

We want to build something special, and good things take time. We have the capital and autonomy to make plans and investments that are long term.

Despite our passion for technology, we know that people are the key to success for any business. We want to build a great company environment and culture and that's something you can't do overnight.


We love being part of the entrepreneurial community. Please use this form to connect with us or just drop us an email at info@jamestown-capital.com

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